Caribbean Travel & Life is devoted to bringing paradise right to your doorstep! Whether it's undiscovered beaches, the best luxury resorts, or the finest snorkeling destinations, our veteran writers have been there and bring back all that is special in the Caribbean.
Constructions at Work: The Nature of Generalization in Language by Adele Goldberg
This book investigates the nature of generalization in language and examines how language is known by adults and acquired by children. It looks at how and why constructions are learned, the relation between their forms and functions, and how cross-linguistic and language-internal generalizations about them can be explained.
You're no idiot, of course. You pick the best vacation spots, plan the most exciting parties, and even have time to catch your breath and take a nature walk or witness an occasional solar eclipse. But when it comes to making all of those memorable events in your life just as exciting and unforgetable on film, you feel like you're pointing your camera in the dark. Jump back into the light! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Photography provides you with step-by-step guidelines on everything from using simple point and shoot cameras to darkroom basics.
Amateur Photographer is the world's oldest weekly magazine for photography enthusiasts. With its unique weekly format, it is the first for news and digital and film equipment tests. Regular features on reader portfolios, darkroom, digital, black & white and photographer profiles ensure all areas of photography are covered.
Данное учебное пособие является великолепным помошником учителю. Все задания выполненны как раздаточный материал, и охватывают такие темы как: Greetings,School and School life, Celebration, Toys and Games, Apperance and Clothers, Nature.Издание включает в себя задания на разные виды деятельности. Ключи прилагаются.