The easy steps in this book emphasize careful observation of animals and plants in nature. The elements of light and shade, contour lines, and composition come together to achieve an accurate depiction of the artist's world. With practice, students will successfully capture the things they observe around them.
This book investigates the nature of human language and its importance for the study of the mind. It asks what language is from a biological point of view and what the relative contribution of nature and nurture is when a child learns his or her language. Finally it asks how human language evolved and considers the similarities and differences between human language and animal communication systems. Uniquely, it argues that genetic or biological endowment plays a more central role in the aquisition of language than instruction, learning, or cultural determinants.
An exciting new approach to teaching landscape painting - everything is done direct from nature.All landscape painters like to paint directly from nature and here Alwyn and June Crawshaw show the reader how to deal with all the problems ofpainting outdoors, even the weather! The book is divided into different sections, each dealing with an aspect of landscape painting.
Heavenly Errors - Misconceptions about the Real Nature of the Universe
Does the weather get warmer in summer because the Earth moves closer to the sun? Many people believe in such Heavenly Errors, where common sense leads to the kind of misconception Neil Comins sets straight. Comins is particularly eager to stamp out errors about astronomy, his field, and in his book he explores--and corrects--over 1,500 "commonly held" astronomical beliefs. Along the way he investigates the nature of misconceptions, how and why we acquire them, and how to guard against them.
The Great Outdoors is the monthly magazine for the independent hillwalker and backpacker has been Britain's leading hillwalking magazine for the past 30 years. Written by hillwalkers for hillwalkers, tgo provides a fresh and vital read for people who share a passion for the great outdoors. Every month, tgo is full of thought provoking news and articles, varied and exhilarating routes, expert gear reviews and outstanding photography.