The "Encyclopedia of Tourism" is a definitive reference source, comprising over a thousand entries, written by a truly international team of more than three hundred contributors. It provides a comprehensive guide to the wide range of basic definitions, concepts, perspectives and institutions embraced by tourism and consolidates research carried out in the field to date. The entries reflect the multidisciplinary nature of tourism studies; including articles from the areas of anthropology, economics, education, geography, history, management, marketing, political science, psychology and more.
Environmental Engineering: Designing a Sustainable Future
Environmental engineering's future seems boundless because it is based in the myriad ways in which nature solves its own engineering challenges. People have yet to design a system that pumps water 200 feet straight up toward the sky in a system that is silent, requires no mechanical pumps, and never malfunctions, yet giant sequoia trees do this every day. Environmental engineering has a distance to go to mimic nature's activities, but fortunately, nature provides endless examples of processes like the sequoias' that maximize energy conservation.
Magazine has chronicled exploration, adventure, and changes that affect life on Earth through award-winning photography and journalism. Each issue brings to light the beauty and wonder of our planet and the complex issues facing us all. Be transported to faraway places and distant times. View ancient civilizations and exotic wildlife.
Anxiety and Its Disorders, Second Edition: The Nature and Treatment of Anxiety and Panic
Knowledge about anxiety has increased exponentially since the initial publication of this classic work. This extensively revised second edition now brings the field thoroughly up to date.
Factual paragraphs of believe-it-or-nots of the land, air and sea, as strange facts of insects, birds, plants, trees, animals, fish and geography are explained for the curious minded.