More mad libs
Added by: aline | Karma: 0 | Coursebooks | 11 February 2007 |
More mad libs
Еще 3 книги
MadLibs are small books containing about 20 short stories apiece. The game can be played by any number of people. Each of the stories has a title: Police Call, Superstitions, My Dream Man, or Letter from Camp. A descriptive article of the person, place, or event follows. Certain words are omitted in the text. In their place is a blank space with the correct part of speech missing. The needed word is indicated below a provided line. These include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, proper names, numbers, and even liquids. One person is the reader. They first call out the part of speech needed. The other players volunteer the corresponding words, which the reader notes down in the blanks provided.
Mad Libs Zany Tales - My MisAdventures
Mad Libs Zany Tales - Road Trip
Mad Libs Zany Tales - Fairy Fables |
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Tags: Tales, stories, reader, words, needed |