The foundations of World War III are being laid today. American defeat in Iraq is only a matter of time, but how long it takes matters a lot. The fate of Iraq is a sideshow, the terrorist threat is a red herring, and the radical Islamists' dream of a worldwide jihad against the West is a fantasy, but the attempt to revive Pax Americana is real. No matter what the outcome of the election in November, 2004, the enterprise is likely to continue. It is bound to fail eventually, but we need it to fail soon.
"English"is a newspaper for all, who is interested in studying and teaching English. Newspaper contains a lot of useful material for teachers of schools and liceums.
November Issue: We’re getting closet o the end of the school cycle and to the summer holidays (here in South America) so this edition offers you lots of resources to carry out end-of-cycle revision and assessment tasks.
Contents: Look and speak! Oral assessment picture prompts, end-of-year folders and gifts, photocopiable activities, tradition day, end-of-year play: Granny’s Magic Book, Time: can it be seen as an ally? November Special Dates, Poster 1: Look and Speak! Flashcards, Poster 2: Oral assessment picture prompts
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