There are incredibly rich connections between classical analysis and number theory. For instance, analytic number theory contains many examples of asymptotic expressions derived from estimates for analytic functions, such as in the proof of the Prime Number Theorem. In combinatorial number theory, exact formulas for number-theoretic quantities are derived from relations between analytic functions. Elliptic functions, especially theta functions, are an important class of such functions in this context, which had been made clear already in Jacobi's Fundamenta nova.
This book has been developed to introduce a wide variety of speaking topics to students. Each unit also presents a number of activities to scaffold speaking tasks for lower-level or less secure speakers. However, it is not mandatory for...
Transcripts, keys, tests and sample units added by decabristka
How to Calculate Quickly: Full Course in Speed ArithmeticMany useful procedures explained and taught: two-column addition, left-to-right subtraction, direct multiplication by numbers greater than 12, mental division of large numbers, more. Also numerous helpful short cuts. More than 8,000 problems, with solutions. This book do not used trick but teach you "number sense" ... and how to calculate from left to right with complex number. Believe me, I was afraid of that kind of calculation and with that book I learned a lot!
What is number sense? How does children's number sense develop? What are the most effective teaching methods and resources? How can research findings inform classroom practice? The fully revised second edition of the best-selling "Teaching Number Sense" is the book to help you answer these questions, and more.
The general aim of this book is to provide a modern approach to number theory through a blending of complementary algebraic and analytic perspectives, emphasizing harmonic analysis on topological groups. The more particular goal is to cover John Tate's visionary thesis, giving virtually all of the necessary analytic details and topological preliminaries--technical prerequisites that are often foreign to the typical, more algebraically inclined number theorist.