With the rise in the number of mergers and acquisitions taking place in today's business environment, there will undoubtedly be a rise in the number of bankruptcies. Completely updated, Bankruptcy and Insolvency Accounting, Seventh Edition, Volume 2 updates the most recent forms and exhibits as a result of the new Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 (BAPCPA).
Scientific American - Women's Health - 1998 August, Volume 9, Number 2
Scientific American is a popular-science magazine , published (first weekly and later monthly) since August 28 , 1845 , making it the oldest continuously
The Riddle of Scheherazade: And Other Amazing Puzzles, Ancient and Modern
Once again in trouble with the king and in danger of losing her head, clever Scheherazade teases the king with a selection of 225 devious mathematical and logic puzzles, including Go+a5delian brain twisters, paradoxes, metapuzzles, logic tricks, number games, and more. 10,000 first printing."
A recent review of his work describes Wilfred Carr as 'one of the most brilliant philosophers now working in the rich British tradition of educational philosophy ... His work examines a number of fundamental issues with clarity and penetration'. In For Education Wilfred Carr provides a comprehensive justification for reconstructing educational theory and research as a form of critical inquiry. In doing this, he confronts a number of important philosophical questions. What is educational theory? What is an educational practice? How are theory and practice related?
For kids who display a knack for turning a phrase, the written word can offer many satisfying career choices in a number of fields, such as book publishing, journalism, and library science. "Career Ideas for Kids Who Like Writing, Second Edition" offers a completely redesigned and updated hands-on tour of the many career options available in a number of exciting fields. Providing step-by-step self-assessment followed by a series of job profiles, this fresh new guide covers all the basics and provides resources for further research.