After 50 years in television, recently retired game show host Barker (The Price Is Right) recalls peak moments of his long career in this engaging memoir. Born in 1923 of Native American heritage (he is one-eighth Sioux), Barker grew up in South Dakota. When WWII interrupted his college education, he became a naval fighter pilot, but the war ended before he got a seagoing squadron assignment: When the enemy heard that I was headed for the Pacific, they surrendered. I
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 4 November 2010
A Prisoner of Morro
Clif Faraday, a naval cadet, is the main character in this novel. Stationed on a gunboat off the Cuban island as part of the U. S. naval blockade, Clif survives a series of confrontations at sea and treacheries on land. He is captured while on the island during a mission and lands in a Cuban prison called Morro, renowned for its cruelty. Clif receives aid from an unlikely source when all seems lost and survives to show commendable leadership and canny judgment.
Yellow Eyes is a book in John Ringo's Legacy of the Aldenata series, co-authored with Tom Kratman. The book, which is a spin-off of the main series, focuses on the Posleen invasion of Central America, with an emphasis on Panama. In contrast with other books in the series, emphasis is given to naval warfare, including the reactivation of the old warships USS Texas, USS Salem, and USS Des Moines.
The Sailor's Word Book: The Classic Source for Over 14,000 Nautical and Naval Terms
First published in 1867, the "Sailor's Word-Book" is an incomparable alphabetical digest of nautical terms - some 14,000 in all. It defines a huge range of common and rare words, some of which, though now antiquated or obsolete, nevertheless appear regularly in contemporary works, because it remains one of the principal sources for many of the foremost writers of maritime non-fiction and fiction of our times.
A Treatise on Naval Architecture and Ship-Building; Or, an Exposition of the Elementary Principles Involved in the Science and Practice of Naval Construction.