Added by: otherwordly | Karma: 222.42 | Fiction literature | 16 February 2009
Love and loss are the two prevailing themes in this gripping short story collection, featuring 19 of the author's tales-five of which are original to this collection: "When Fat Men Love Thin Women," "The Death Artist," "The Uncertainty Principle," "Monster," and "The Love Clinic." The rest of the stories appeared in such publications as On Spec, TransVersions, Prairie Fire, Northern Frights, Dark Planet, Descant, ChiZine, and the Tesseracts and Queer Fear anthology series.
A Companion to Medieval Art brings together cutting-edge scholarship devoted to the Romanesque and Gothic traditions in Northern Europe. Brings together cutting-edge scholarship devoted to the Romanesque and Gothic traditions in Northern Europe. Contains over 30 original theoretical, historical, and historiographic essays by renowned and emergent scholars. Covers the vibrancy of medieval art from both thematic and sub-disciplinary perspectives. Features an international and ambitious range - from reception, Gregory the Great, collecting, and pilgrimage art, to gender, patronage, the marginal, spolia, and manuscript illumination.
Содержит теоретические, исторические и историографические эссе, написанные как широко известными, так и молодыми учеными.
Edited by: stovokor - 23 January 2009
Reason: No need to copy the thumb to the details panel :) tnx :)
Книга обновляет и пересматривает традиционные представления о Средневековье, сосредотачиваясь на политике, в частности, Северной Европы, при этом детально рассматривая средневековое общество Средиземноморья. Книга адресована студентам, изучающим средневековую историю, историю Западной цивилизации, историю Христианства и мусульмано-христианских отношений. Также послужит превосходным дополнением для курсов по истории конкретной страны в период Средневековья, истории средневекового искусства или европейской экономики.
The Worlds of Medieval Europe updates and revises traditional textbook representations of the Middle Ages by balancing the conventional focus on political affairs, especially those of northern Europe, with equally detailed attention to medieval society as it developed in the Mediterranean. The result is a nuanced portrayal of a multifarious western world that was sharply divided between its northern and southern aspects.
Edited by: stovokor - 23 January 2009
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This volume offers qualitative as well as corpus-based quantitative studies on three domains of grammatical variation in the British Isles. All studies draw heavily on the Freiburg English Dialect Corpus (FRED), a computerized corpus for predominantly British English dialects comprising some 2.5 million words. Besides an account of FRED and the advantages which a functional-typological framework offers for the study of dialect grammar, the volume includes the following three substantial studies. Tanja Herrmann's study is the first systematic cross-regional study of relativization strategies for Scotland, Northern Ireland, and four major dialect areas in England. In her research design Hermann has included a number of issues crucial in typological research on relative clauses, above all the Noun Phrase Accessibility Hierarchy. Lukas Pietsch investigates the so-called Northern Subject Rule, a special agreement phenomenon known from Northern England, Scotland and Northern Ireland. His study is primarily based on the Northern Ireland Transcribed Corpus of Speech, but also on the FRED and SED data (Survey of English Dialects) for the North of England. Susanne Wagner is concerned with the phenomenon of pronominal gender, focussing especially on the typologically rather unique semantic gender system in the dialects of Southwest England. This volume will be of interest to dialectologists, sociolinguists, typologists, historical linguists, grammarians, and anyone interested in the structure of spontaneous spoken English.
The first edition of Teacher Appraisal offered a comprehensive and practical guide to what has become a key area in educational management in the UK. The second edition has been substantially updated to include the regulations as they affect grant-maintained schools and developments in Northern Ireland and Scotland.