Nexus is a general course for past First certificate to Proficiency students. Teacher's book includes a detailed map of the course and its language coverage, unit by unit teaching notes and answer keys
Academic legal writing: law review articles, student notes, seminar papers, and getting on law reviewDesigned to help law students write and publish articles, this text provides detailed instructions for every aspect of the law school writing, research, and publication process. Topics covered include law review articles and student notes, seminar term papers, how to shift from research to writing, cite-checking others work, publishing, and publicizing written works. The book helps law students and everyone else involved in academic legal writing: professors save time and effort communicating basic points to students; law schools satisfy the American Bar Association's second- and third-year writing requirements; and law reviews receive better notes from their staff.
Syndicated columnist and grammarian, Don Ferguson is an inveterate note-taker, recording mistakes in grammar or word usage and when observing an incorrect punctuation mark. It seems that people make the same mistakes over and over again. Accumulating a small mountain of short, cryptic notes, Ferguson wondered how they might be made useful, perhaps to his children in the years to come. Out of these thoughts, Ferguson's column "Grammar Gremlins" was born and now this book.
Covers major figures and events in Europe from 1914 to 1919. Includes the causes of World War I, Germany's offensives in Europe, the air war and war at sea, the war in the Near East and Russia, trench warfare in Europe, the U.S. entrance into the war, the armistice, and the Treaty of Versailles.