Тайны. Маленькие женские тайны. Тайны, которыми можно поделиться лишь со случайным попутчиком в самолете. Удобно? Безопасно? Возможно... Но помните, женщины, - все, что вы когда-нибудь скажете мужчине, может быть рано или поздно использовано против вас! Если, конечно, вы не способны разузнать и его секреты, а потом отплатить ему той же монетой... With the same wicked humor, buoyant charm, and optimism that have made her Shopaholic novels beloved international bestsellers, Sophie Kinsella delivers a hilarious new novel and an unforgettable new character.
On a beautiful summer day, crowds lined up outside a theater witness a sudden act of extreme road rage: a tap on a fender triggers a nearly homicidal attack. Jackson Brodie, ex-cop, ex-private detective, new millionaire, is among the bystanders.The event thrusts Jackson into the orbit of the wife of an unscrupulous real estate tycoon, a washed-up comedian, a successful crime novelist, a mysterious Russian woman, and a female police detective. Each of them hiding a secret, they all play a role in driving Jackson out of retirement and into the middle of several mysteries that intersect in one sinister scheme.
In 1979, Tim O'Brien's Going After Cacciato--a novel about the Vietnam War--won the National Book Award. In this, his second work of fiction about Vietnam, O'Brien's unique artistic vision is again clearly demonstrated. Neither a novel nor a short story collection, it is an arc of fictional episodes, taking place in the childhoods of its characters, in the jungles of Vietnam and back home in America two decades later.
The Talisman - The first part of the Jack Sawyer Series Jack Sawyer, the novel's preadolescent protagonist, is a boy who has lost his father at a young age and is now in the process of losing his mother to a frightening cancer. Complicating matters is Jack's Uncle Morgan Sloat, a wretch of a man who is very good at making Jack's mother (an ex-B movie actress named Lily Cavenaugh Sawyer) a living hell. At the novel's commencement, Jack and Lily are hiding from Sloat at the Alhambra Inn in New Jersey, near a dilapitated amusement park. It is at this amusement park that Jack begins his quest.
This companion addresses a topic of continuing contemporary relevance, both cultural and literary. Offers both a wide-ranging exploration of the classical novel of antiquity and a wealth of close literary analysisBrings together the most up-to-date international scholarship on the ancient novel, including fresh new academic voicesIncludes focused chapters on individual classical authors, such as Petronius, Xenophon and Apuleius, as well as a wide-ranging thematic analysisAddresses perplexing questions concerning authorial expression and readership of the ancient novel formProvides an accomplished introduction to a genre with a rising profile