Acquisition of Word Order in Chinese as a Foreign Language
Wenying Jiang - Acquisition of Word Order in Chinese as a Foreign Language In this book, linguistic achievements of word order studies in Chinese have been applied to Chinese second language acquisition research. By analyzing a great number of word order errors made by learners of Chinese as a foreign language (CFL), this book has developed a method for describing and explaining Chinese word order errors.
Added by: susan6th | Karma: 3133.45 | Fiction literature | 24 March 2010
Star Wars: Lost Tribe of the Sith: Skyborn
A Jedi ambush leaves the Sith ship Omen marooned on a remote alien world, its survivors at the mercy of their desolate surroundings and facing almost certain death. But Sith will no more bow before the whims of fate than they will yield to the weapons of their enemies. And Omen's cunning commander Yaru Korsin will let nothing keep him and his crew from returning to the stars and rejoining the Sith order's conquest of the galaxy. Murdering his own brother has proven Korsin's ruthless resolve--but now an entire race stands in his way.
HISTORY, in the widest usage of the word, is the study of events, the discovery and record of what happens; when we speak of Natural History, for example, we mean nothing less than the study of what goes on in Nature, the world about us. In a rather narrower sense, the "historical" sciences are those in which we cannot make experiments, but are limited to studying what goes on, in that order of time in which things happen to occur.
Calculus consists of the study of limits of various sorts and the systematic exploitation of the completeness axiom. It was developed by physicists and engineers over a period of several hundred years in order to solve problems from the physical sciences. It is the language by which precision and quantitative predictions for many complicated problems are obtained. It is used to find lengths of curves, areas and volumes of regions which are not bounded by straight lines. It is used to predict and account for the motion of satellites.
You find yourself in a fractured universe. Chaos has won the battle over order. The connections between people, events and ideas throughout history have broken apart. Science guru James Burke challenges you to re-establish these links and restore order to the universe. Engage in the first reality-based puzzle/adventure game that uses your knowledge of science, invention and history to get you through. Lose yourself in a mind-twisting world that you cannot leave without finding the answers!