This book explores boy-focused education policy and how different educators struggle to implement or resist it in their schools. Weaver-Hightower examines masculinity politics in Australia and the United States, mapping how these politics create panic over raising and educating boys the “Right” way. Contextualizing this policy with movements for boys’ education around the world, this book offers progressive strategies for resisting conservative, regressive, anti-feminist programs for boys.
ealing Depression the Mind-Body Way: Creating Happiness with Meditation, Yoga, and Ayurveda
Healing Depression the Mind-Body Way shines a new light on the darkness of depression by presenting specific antidepression strategies designed to help you unleash your innate healing potential. The time-tested advice presented in this book is based on the latest theories of modern science and the practical wisdom of Ayurveda, an ancient system of natural medicine.
A Comprehensive Guide to Sensors and Control Systems in Manufacturing Thoroughly updated with cutting-edge technologies, this detailed resource offers proven methods for effectively evaluating, selecting, and implementing sensors and controls to ensure error-free manufacturing environments. The Guide offers step-by-step guidance on applying sensors to measure product parameters, control manufacturing, develop precision manufacturing systems, and generate and control motion. Real-world examples are included throughout to demonstrate successful industrial applications.
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Family vacations have never been so easy with Frommer's. It's like having a friend show you around, taking you to the places local parents and kids like best. Our expert authors have already gone everywhere you might go-they've done the legwork for you, and they're not afraid to tell it like it is, saving you time and money. No other series offers candid reviews of so many hotels and restaurants in all price ranges, and tells you which ones are kid-friendly.