The Online English Grammar PDF version by Anthony Hoghes
Added by: borisvm | Karma: 492.67 | Black Hole | 31 December 2009
The Online English Grammar PDF version by Anthony Hoghes
It covers more grammar topics than the online version. You can view it on your desktop as an easy reference guide. It is easy to print any page from this version.You may feel as you were online. It has many examples to help you understand each topic. Most of the information is arranged in alphabetical order, another advantage and seach tool. It is a very easy way for improving your English.
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Added by: nextek | Karma: 932.45 | Black Hole | 22 December 2009
Science - December, 18 2009
Science is the academic journal of the American Association for the Advancement of Science and is considered one of the world's most prestigious scientific journals. The peer-reviewed journal, first published in 1880 is circulated weekly and has a print subscriber base of around 130,000. Because institutional subscriptions and online access serve a larger audience, its estimated readership.
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Sounds Good Level 4 is a listening course for intermediate students. This twelve-unit book provides test practice in every unit, as well as online Podcasts and a teacher resource CD-ROM.
Key Features:
Carefully graded activities give students confidence
Teacher's Resource CD-ROM includes Test-Master tests and PowerPoint Teaching tool
Mr Duncan is an English teacher born in Stafford (United Kingdom), who after working for 4 years in China as a teacher of English conversation, returned to the UK and decided to create free videos to teach English to anyone interested in learning English online.
This clear, concise, and inexpensive spiralbound handbook is designed for writing students who may not know grammatical terminology. Harris, widely known in the writing community, provides an easy-to-use resource featuring coverage of a wide variety of traditional topics as well as the most current information on writing with computers, conducting online research, and using MLA and APA formats for citations, including electronic sources.