According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more than 300,000 workers are employed as full-time writers in the fields of publicity, technical writing, and in-house writing alone. In addition, more than one million people work as professional writers, including freelance and part-time writers. Providing detailed information on 90 jobs for prospective writers. Career profiles include: Author, Columnist, Copywriter, Editor, Poet, Screenwriter, Speechwriter, and more.
Complete with a foreword by president and CEO of the American Hotel and Lodging Association, "Career Opportunities in Travel and Hospitality" features appendixes with educational programs, professional associations, major employers, industry resources, and more. More than 75 career profiles include: Cruise ship physician; Naturalist; Outdoor trip leader; Ski instructor; Spa manager; Theme park designer; and, Vineyard manager.
Photographers are employed in every branch of American industry - from communications to science to law enforcement to construction. New technology continues to revolutionize photographic techniques and make photography increasingly accessible to individuals, but in professional settings, the role of the experienced photographer who has mastered new and old techniques alike has become more important.
A set of tests for the course of New Opportunities Pre-Intermediate contains reading, writing, listening comprehension test material, vocabularly and grammar checks.
Flinders & Sweeney, English 365 Level 1
English 365 is a course for adult learners who want to develop their English skills for their work as well as their social and travel needs. Level 1 is for post-elementary to low intermediate level students. Key features include stimulating content and activities, listening material based on authentic interviews with working people. A variety of topics provide opportunities to practise speaking.