The grotesque, often defined as something fantastically distorted that attracts and repels, is a concept that has various meanings in literature. This new volume contains 20 essays that explore the role of the grotesque in such works as 'Candide', 'Frankenstein', 'King Lear', 'The Metamorphosis', and many others. Some essays have been written specifically for the series; others are excerpts of important critical analyses from selected books and journals.
Life After Trauma, Second Edition: A Workbook for Healing
Trauma can turn your world upside down--afterward, nothing may look safe or familiar. This compassionate workbook has already helped tens of thousands of trauma survivors start rebuilding their lives. Full of practical strategies for coping and self-care, the book guides you toward reclaiming a solid sense of safety, self-worth, trust, and control, as well as the capacity to be close to others. The focus is on finding the way forward in your life today, no matter what has happened in the past.
150 ECG ProblemsFor anyone who feels they are competent at reading twelve lead ECGs this would be good for sharpening your skills of diagnosis, or even as a refresher. I think this is the best read and best buy of John Hampton s three books on the ECG, the others being The ECG Made Easy and The ECG in Practice as the recordings are presented in random order and the readers interest should be maintained throughout.
Collaboration in Education establishes a needed framework for school/university collaborations that will be critical for others wishing to reproduce and participate in these partnerships. The contributors explore the elements necessary for sustainable collaboration in order to provide a frame of reference for others doing this work.
This book was a big help to explains in down to earth language how to start making money on ebay, and also how to locate rare items that others won't find, you just have to know some clever tips on searching. I would highly recommend this book to other collectors who want to get their feet wet using ebay, or others who maybe have some experience on the site but want tips on making better money. Overall a great read.