Phonics 4 Babies™ is an award winning DVD series designed specifically to engage babies and toddlers in early speech skills. Its unique blend of music and entertainment will introduce your child to the first 300 words and phrases, including: vowel and consonant formation, letter and shape identification, counting games, and basic manners. The series is developed in association with prominent clinical advisors from UCLA, speech pathologists and child educators.
Give your child a head start in school Summer Express includes 100 fun-filled activity pages--arranged in a progressive, 10-week format--that reinforce skills and also prepare kindergartners for first grade. In this learning-packed book, your child will work on the following skills: - Handwriting - Math - Reading and Phonics - Writing and Grammar A summer's worth of great learning For use with Grades K-1.
"Master Spoken English - Feeling Phonics", was published in 1996 and is now in use in 58 different countries. Colleges and universities worldwide have recognized the need this training serves in enabling speakers of English to reach their full potential. Besides serving EFL and ESL needs, the series is used widely in learn-to-read programs.
Phonics Tales: Chimp and Chick's Lunch (CH) Unlock the door to reading success with this read-aloud storybook that teaches key phonics skills including short and long vowels, vowel pairs, blends, diagraphs, and more. Each engaging story features a phonics riddle and a motivating phonics cheer to reinforce learning.