This book has some elements in Polish and is perfect for Polish Oral Matura exam, however, it can very well be used for other discussion-related purposes by non-Polish speakers.
Bookmarks added to the pdf file have the few Polish section names translated. Otherwise, it's mainly in English (including the instructions).
BBC Networds One of the most attractive courses in computer and internet English prepared by BBC and available on line from tthe BBC Polish section web site. The site,, despite the fact the Polish section of the BBC was closed is still available on line and not only this Networds course is still accessible, but many more English courses. Each course contains downloadable mp3 recordings and booklets. Bilingual for Polish students. Their most active presenter and Polish instructor has been for many years Ms. Elizabeth (Elżbieta) Greenfield.
Yummy English is a song book with activities for children.
Each song/rap is accompanied by engaging actviities.The Teacher's part of the book is mainly in Polish, but the book can be used by any teacher who finds it interesting.
London's Polish Borders: Transnationalizing Class and Ethnicity among Polish Migrants in London
Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 5 July 2016
The figure of the Polish plumber or builder has long been a well-established icon of the British national imagination, uncovering the UK's collective unease with immigration from Central and Eastern Europe. But despite the powerful impact the UK's second largest language group has had on their host country's culture and politics, very little is known about its members. This painstakingly researched book offers a broad perspective on Polish migrants in the UK, taking into account discursive actions, policies, family connections, transnational networks, and political engagement of the diaspora.