Arkusze próbnego egzaminu maturalnego grudzień 2005 wraz z kluczem odpowiedzi.
Polish matura exam past papers from December2005. The file contains the exam papers, model answers and audio files for both parts of the exam (basic and extended level)
Arkusze egzaminu maturalnego maj 2005 wraz z kluczem odpowiedzi.
Polish matura exam past papers from May 2005. The file contains the exam papers, model answers and audio files for both parts of the exam (basic and extended level)
A Contrastive Approach to Problems with EnglishThis language guide presents and ilustrates various gramatical and lexical mistakes made by vast number of Polish learners. The book also deals with various examples of barrowings and tries to explores the gramar patterns.
Book written for Polish learners of English language.
Polish-English, English-Polish Technical Dictionary System TL+ 7.0.17
Jest to kolejne wydanie słowników-baz angielsko-polskich i polsko-angielskich i programuSystem TL+ na jednej płycie CD-ROM. Zmieniony został zarówno zestaw słowników, jak i program narzędziowy.
Yummy English is a song book with activities for children.
Each song/rap is accompanied by engaging actviities.The Teacher's part of the book is mainly in Polish, but the book can be used by any teacher who finds it interesting.