Polish bimonthly magazine for the learners of English. Tackles such issues as: travel, leisure, culture, people and lifestyle, and news. Level B2. Some articles accompanied with audio. All texts in English. Difficult words translated into Polish.
English Matters - October 2010 - Special Edition - United States
Polish bimonthly magazine for the learners of English. Tackles such issues as: travel, leisure, culture, people and lifestyle, and news. Level B2. Some articles accompanied with audio.
All texts in English. Difficult words translated into Polish.
Celem tej książki jest zapoznanie czytelników ze słownictwem gospodarki, biznesu i polityki z uwzględnieniem aktualnych zagadnień i terminologii stosowanej w gospodarce rynkowej.
The Phonology of Polish (The Phonology of the World's Languages)
This book is the most complete phonology of contemporary Polish ever published. It is topic-oriented and presents the fundamental characteristics and problems associated with each topic, among them syllable structure, vowel-zero alternations, palatalizations, and other vowel and consonant changes. Professor Gussmann re-examines assumptions about phonological contrasts and alternations, and raises and addresses central questions in morphophonology. He takes morphophonology to be systematically separate from phonology.