Power Sales Words: How to Write It, Say It And Sell It With Sizzle
Published: 2006
Pages: 282
Power Sales Words is a valuable resource for professional and non-professional writers alike. Packed with useful synonyms and antonyms, creative phrases, do's and don'ts, instructive essays and more, Power Sales Words puts the words you need right at your fingertips. Whether you're brainstorming for ideas, searching for the perfect adjective or trying to punch up that closing paragraph, Power Sales Words can help.
Power Questions: Build Relationships, Win New Business, and Influence Others
An arsenal of powerful questions that will transform every conversation Skillfully redefine problems. Make an immediate connection with anyone. Rapidly determine if a client is ready to buy. Access the deepest dreams of others. Power Questions sets out a series of strategic questions that will help you win new business and dramatically deepen your professional and personal relationships. The book showcases thirty-five riveting, real conversations with CEOs, billionaires, clients, colleagues, and friends. Each story illustrates the extraordinary power and impact of a thought-provoking, incisive power question.
Start Smart! Building Brain Power in the Early Years
Did you know that emotions boost our memory? Or that small muscle exercises help the brain develop? Early experiences contribute to the structure of the brain and its capacities. The quality, quantity, and consistency of stimulation will determine, to a large extent, the number of brain synapses that are formed and how those connections will function. This is true for both cognitive and emotional development, and the effect is lifelong.
Now You See It: How the Brain Science of Attention Will Transform the Way We Live, Work, and Learn (Audiobook) 2012
When Cathy Davidson and Duke University gave free iPods to every member of the incoming freshman class in 2003, they didn’t expect the uproar that followed. Critics called it a waste: What educational value could a music player have for college kids? Yet by the end of the year, Duke students had found academic uses for the new devices in virtually every discipline. The iPod experiment proved to be a classic example of the power of disruption — a way of refocusing attention to illuminate unseen possibilities.
Why does a company's shift in advertising transform a potential flop into a billion dollar industry? How does a CEO's decision to attack a single pattern among his employees turn one of the largest companies in America into a top performer in the Dow Jones? What was the path that led a small group of people to form the Civil Rights Movement?In his bestselling book The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg, a business reporter for the New York Times, conveys his research in the fields of psychology and neuroscience to provide a scientific approach to understanding habits.