This series of four grammar exercise books features structures and
vocabulary tied to real and meaningful contexts to help students learn
more rapidly and efficiently.
-- Instead of abstract theory and
examples, students get practice, practice, practice -- organized into
themes that make it easy to learn and remember the concepts presented.
-- Can be used for individual or classroom practice, follow-up, review, or homework.
-- Answer keys are included in the back of each book.
Fundamentals and Practice of
Butterworth-Heinemann | 2002-07-15 | ISBN: 075065449X | 352 pages | PDF
Gail Stein “Fundamentals and Practice of Marketing"
The fourth edition of this seminal text retains the clarity and simplicity of its predecessors in communicating the basic themes and principles of contemporary marketing.
'The Fundamentals and Practice of Marketing' has been substantially revised to take into account recent developments in the field - most particularly the changes wrought by new technology. It now follows a new structure and includes:
* New chapters on: direct marketing, public relations; integrated marketing planning; wholesale and retail operations; relationship marketing;
* Material on: services marketing, e-commerce, ethics and social responsibility, B2B marketing and external marketing environment
* A range of new examples
The book is accompanied by online resources for tutors which include: guidance notes on teaching methods for each chapter, case studies with suggested solutions and approaches, questions for discussion, and OHP masters.
With a new clear and easy to use layout, this text will make learning easier for students
Tutor Resource Material will be available to assist lecturers in their teaching
New and up-to-date material has been added to keep readers abreast with new technology
This new three-level series edition offers just the right balance of explanations and practice. The Advanced level offers in-depth explanations and challenging activities to help students refine their grammatical competence.
The Grammar Practice-Plus CD-ROM expands on materials covered in the texts.
Listen and Speak: Students hear sentences, select the correct response, and record their own voices. Read and Write: Students practice identifying errors and correcting them. Test and Review: Multiple choice tests help students check their progress.
This colourful, motivating series for pre-teen learners combines grammar practice with lots of fun! This full-colour, motivating series for young learners balances the need for thorough, comprehensive grammar practice with enjoyable exercises, lively illustrations and an appealing design, which means learners.
Beginning Composition Through Pictures
A stimulating variety of picture compositions for oral and written work.
Special features:
a stimulating variety of short picture stories for narrative practice, and maps and pictures giving practice in describing and comparing things.
oral and written practice in sentence, structure, vocabulary and grammar.
practical notes for the teacheron how to use the pictures.
lists of the main structures and helpful phrases.
Beginning composition through pictures is the first book in the series. Subsequent titles are Composition through pictures and Writing through pictures.
I beg for the rest of the books of the series to be uploaded.