This is the first book of the Millie series for primary grades. Millie-2 is intended for the second class (1st year of study of English), for pupils aged 7-8.
Activity Book added Thanks to snwwte & reduced by Englishcology!
READING AND WRITING ACTIVITIES Starter A and Starter B This booklet of photocopiable material provides extra activities to develop the reading and writing skills in the first cycle of Primary.
ASSESSMENT BOOKLET Starter A and Starter B Tests with teaching notes and keys
The Anatomy and Clinics of Metastatic Cancer J.M. Debois 2002-01-01 768 pages
Although distant metastases are the most dreaded situation in the evolution of cancer of every organ, the medical literature has surprisingly given little attention to the anatomical relationship between the primary tumor and metastasic sites. Only risk factors, treatment possibilities, and survival results are extensively examined.
A topic-based course that allows learners to extend their language skills while learning about the world around them.
Happy Earth is a two-level course bridging the gap between primary and lower secondary courses. Designed for upper primary, it takes into account real progress in reading and writing in the early primary years Activity Book added Thanks to elena33333!