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Boomerang pre intermediate tests i plan wynikowy
Boomerang pre intermediate tests i plan wynikowyBoomerang Pre-intermediate to trzeci podrecznik z czteroczesciowej serii Boomerang przeznaczonej dla uczniуw gimnazjum.
Podrecznik sklada sie z 10 jednostek (unitуw). Kazda z sekcji (jest ich po 5 w kazdej jednostce) rozpoczyna sie rozgrzewka jezykowa Lead-in, stanowiaca zwykle powtуrzenie materialu gramatyczno-leksykalnego z poprzednich zajec. Kolejne cwiczenia daja uczniom mozliwosc rozwijania poszczegуlnych umiejetnosci jezykowych (np. Reading, Speaking, Writing, Vocabulary practice), sa one dodatkowo oznaczone specjalnymi ikonkami symbolizujacymi dana czynnosc. Umiejetnosci sa coraz czesciej integrowane (np. Speaking and Writing, Listening and Pronunciation). Warto rуwniez zwrуcic uwage na regularne cwiczenia wymowy (Pronunciation) oraz to, ze w kazdej sekcji zostaly wyraznie wydzielone.
Tags: si281, ka380dej, 263wiczenia, Writing, Boomerang, kazdej, sekcji, Pronunciation, cwiczenia
New Headway Pronunciation Course - Elementary (Book + Audio)
New Headway Pronunciation Course - Elementary (Book + Audio)New Headway Pronunciation Course - Elementary (Book + Audio)
New Headway Pronunciation Course - это уровневый курс постановки произношения. Его можно использовать как параллельно с занятиями по учебнику Headway, так и занимаясь по другому курсу.
New Headway Pronunciation Course выпускается для четырех уровней: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate и Upper-Intermediate. По нему можно заниматься как в классе, так и самостоятельно. В каждом из уровней рассматриваются основные звуки, интонация, беглая речь и другие аспекты фонетики английского языка. При этом материал каждой книги основывается на лексике и грамматике соответствующего уровня. Этот учебник можно использовать как вводный курс фонетики на начальном уровне изучения английского языка и на более поздних уровнях.
A course in English pronunciation to complement New Headway. The units can stand alone. Nice cartoons with gentle sense of humour. The authors must be real professionals: they have included a mixture of phonemes that different nationalities find difficult; and a range of Stress, Rhythm and Intonation subjects all covered in a very practical way and including times and dates.
This is a practical and imaginative addition to the New Headway.
It helps students to express themselves clearly and confidently by training them in the key areas of pronunciation.
There is practice of individual sounds, with a guide to suitable exercises for speakers of particular languages.
There is a focus on lexical sets.
Training is given in stress and intonation patterns for accurate, functional use.
Help is provided with the features of connected speech.
  Audio Reduced by naath

Edited by: englishcology - 31 December 2008
Reason: Links updated in the header.

Tags: Headway, Course, Pronunciation, Elementary, можно, Audio
Mind your pronunciation!
Mind your pronunciation!Вот нас учат, начиная со школы, грамматике и вдалбливают, что грамматика это и есть половина языка. Так ли это?


Edited by: IrinaM - 4 June 2009
Reason: added the notion for Russian speakers, plese, specify this in the future to avoid confusion!

Tags: языка, этоMind, pronunciation, половина, грамматика, RUSSIAN, SPEAKERS, ONLYMind, языка, RUSSIAN
American English File 3 (Book, Workbook, Teacher's book, Multi ROM, DVD video)


American English File gets students talking thanks to its unique and proven formula combining confidence-building, opportunity, and motivation. High-interest content is organized in lively, achievable lessons, using humor and imagination to encourage students to communicate and enjoy learning English. Solid grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation foundation carefully supports the work with the four skills and gradually builds students' confidence and performance in English


altReduced version of [ SB - WB -TB]

by Englishcology

Tags: English, students, video, includes, activities, American, pronunciation, foundation, carefully, supports
Britannica Encyclopedia of World Religions
Britannica Encyclopedia of World ReligionsThis encyclopedia includes features such as: more than 3,500 entries on religious movements and concepts, historical and legendary figures, divinities, religious sites and ceremonies; more than 600 images that show sacred places, vestments, rituals, objects, and texts; 32 pages of full-colour artwork and maps; easy-to-use A-Z format; information on the pronunciation and origins of religious terms; and, thousands of cross-references for research and browsing.

Edited by: Maria - 5 November 2008
Reason: Uploaded picture to ET server

Tags: religious, information, pronunciation, origins, format