Motivation and Personality is an original record of the work in progress of one of the most creative psychologists of this century. It has become a primary reference for anyone interested in Abraham H. Maslow's theories, as clearly evidenced by growing attention from authors in many major professional journals in psychology, education, business, and social studies, among other fields.
As emotion and emotional experience are a daily occurrence, they have always been key topics of study for psychologists. Now in its fifth edition, The Psychology of Emotion is a classic student text on the subject. This textbook offers a comprehensive guide to all the main theories and concepts of emotion, and relates these back to everyday life, using examples that everyone can identify with.
Emotions are the focus of intense debate both in contemporary philosophy and psychology and increasingly also in the history of ideas. Simo Knuuttila's book is the first comprehensive survey of philosophical theories of emotions from Plato to Renaissance times, combining careful historical reconstruction with rigorous philosophical analysis. Philosophers, classicists, historians of philosophy, historians of psychology, and anyone interested in emotion will find much to stimulate them in this fascinating book.
Kalat accurately portrays biopsychology as a dynamic and empirical field in which fascinating new discoveries are constantly being made. He captures readers' interest with the latest biological psychology findings, such as how gingko biloba claims to aid memory and coverage of the hypothesis that humans' mate choice patterns are influenced by natural selection. Throughout, the author's goal is not only to convey information, but also to convey his excitement about and dedication to the subject.
Book about how well humans make decisions, highlights various biases people prone to when making judgements in professional and daily life.Very engaging and interesting introduction to the field. Explanation being given in a plain language, accessible to a lay person as well as a psychology student. Readers can experience for themselves the application of this basic research to everyday probles in life.