The topics of this revised and updated definitive guide to scientific writing for students and researchers include misconceptions about psychology papers; steps in writing library research papers; steps in writing experimental research papers; rules for writing psychology papers; commonly misused words; Internet resources; and American Psychological Association guidelines for psychology papers.
This little book, Epitomes of Three Sciences gives an account of the recent work done in three different fields of modern knowledge; viz., Comparative Philology, Experimental Psychology, and Old Testament History. These three sciences have an almost direct bearing upon the religious views of our time, in spite of their difference of subject and the divergence of their authors' standpoints. It intended to explain in a few words the relation in which Comparative Philology, Experimental Psychology, and Biblical History stand to one another. This book is PDF version of original book of these authors: H. Oldenberg, J.Jastrow and C.H. Cornhill.
Motivation and Emotion provides an explanation of emotional experience and aspects of human behavior using psychological, physiological, and alternative approaches. The brain mechanisms that govern motivations are discussed and questions such as 'Why don't we eat ourselves to death?' and 'How do we know we are thirsty?' are answered. Types of emotional responses and explanations of emotional behavior are covered. The book analyzes psychological, physiological, and combined approaches to theories of motivation and emotion.
Understanding Human Motivation is a lively presentation of how factors such as biological nature, instinct, past experience, and society determine what we do.
"This new book on human motivation by Donald Laming represents a fresh look at an important area of psychology. The material is presented in the original idiom of real life stories in newspapers, which serve to illuminate classical controversies in social psychology. Although the book also has some novel theoretical insights, it should be particularly useful for students beginning in psychology."
Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis: In Medicine, Dentistry, and Psychology By William S. Kroger This is a Revised Second Edition of Dr. Kroger's classic work on hypnosis, which describes successful hypnotherapy techniques for a wide range of medical, psychiatric, and dental conditions. Dr. Kroger's work in developing the concept of clinical hypnosis, and making it a part of the science of behavior modification, is generally regarded as the foundation of ...