The brain is the most important part of our body and its structure makes humans unique among all of the Earth's animals. The ability to think is only one of the many things that we rely on our brains for in our everyday lives. Learn how the senses are linked to our nerves and how the environment stimulates our senses. Also learn about the spinal cord as part of the central nervous system as well as the parts of the brain.
Mirrors & Windows - Grammar & Style Level I (Grade 6)
Grammar & Style offers a variety of options to incorporate grammar instruction into the language arts classroom. Sixty-four lessons, developed to be used twice weekly, cover a broad range of topics from the sentence and parts of speech to common usage problems and writing effectively.
Healing (Achieve Total Wellness Through Higher Levels of Consciousness) (Audiobook, MP3)
Bring Complete Healing into Every Area of Your Life! Dr. David Hawkins's renowned Map of Consciousness is one of the most innovative and useful personal development tools ever developed. In this groundbreaking program, Dr. Hawkins shows you how to use this scientifically formulated technology to bring healing and wellness to the most important parts of your life quickly, comfortably, and naturally!
Relations Between East and West in the Middle Ages
In the Roman Empire, relations between East and West meant connections between the eastern and western parts of a unified structure of empire. Romans sometimes complained about the corrupting influence on their city of Greeks and Orientals, but they employed Greek tutors to educate their sons. People did not think of the eastern and western parts of the empire as being separate entities whose relations with each other must be the object of careful study. Even at the moment of the empire's birth, there was a clear idea of where the Latin West ended and the Greek East began. This began to change with Constantine, when the Roman Empire was split in two, with Rome itself in decay.