Added by: miaow | Karma: 8463.40 | Other | 3 July 2016
A people's pedagogy, like a people's history, should alert students to deep currents of justice and equality in U.S. history, and in diverse ways encourage students to try on the personas of people who worked to make this a more democratic society. A people's history and pedagogy ought to allow students to recognize that 'we' were not necessarily the ones stealing land, dropping bombs, or breaking strikes. 'We' were ending slavery, fighting for women's rights, organizing unions, marching against wars, and trying to create a society premised on the Golden Rule.
This book is about becoming—the process of how a person becomes someone, particularly of how students become teachers. In it, I propose a pedagogy for identity development. I describe the qualities that must characterize our teaching in order for the students we encounter to become something other than students. Education is about growth and transformation, not only of culture, but of persons too.
The book offers a new approach to the study of Alice Munro's fiction. Its innovative quality consists in juxtaposing a variety of literary analyses of selected stories with two other ways of looking at her fiction: the perspectives of film adaptation and of pedagogy.
Distance learning has existed in some form for centuries, but modern technologies have allowed students and teachers to connect directly, no matter what their location, using the internet and mobile devices. Mobile Pedagogy and Perspectives on Teaching and Learning explores the tools and techniques that enable educators to leverage wireless applications and social networks to improve learning outcomes and provide creative ways to increase access to educational resources.
What knowledge and tools do pre- and in-service educators need to teach for and about social justice across the curriculum in K-12 classrooms? This compelling text synthesizes in one volume historical foundations, philosophic/theoretical conceptualizations, and applications of social justice education in public school classrooms.