Christie Agatha / Кристи Агата – Murder on the Orient Express / Убийство в Восточном экспрессе (Penguin Readers level 4) [2009 г, PDF, MP3, ENG
Поезд из-за заносов намертво встал где-то на территории Югославии, а в одном из купе находится мертвый мужчина, причём дверь заперта изнутри, а окно раскрыто. На теле убитого обнаруживаются двенадцать ножевых ран, как смертельных, так и небольших. Алиби пассажиров взаимно подтверждаются людьми, совершенно не схожими друг с другом.
The Monkey King - Penguin Active Reading - Level 4
Monkey is an excitable, selfish creature with magic skills. As a punishment he is sent, by the gods, on a long, hard journey to the west, to protect a young Buddhist priest. The travellers have many advetures on the way. Can they return unharmed?
Covering all branches of pure and applied mathematics, including algebra, geometry, mechanics, and statistics, The Penguin Dictionary of Mathematics is invaluable for students at the high school or university level. It is also a useful and versatile source book for economists, business people, engineers, technicians, scientists of all kinds, and anyone else who uses mathematics in the course of daily work.
This is an examination of the past, present and future role of the British Royal Family. The book looks at the individual members of the most famous family in the world - their woRK, their hobbies and some of the events, both happy and sad, which have affected them all
Poor Cinderella! She has to do all the housework, and her sisters won’t take her to the ball! But thanks to a fairy godmother – and her pets! – she does go to the ball. There, the Prince falls in love with her, but will he find her again?