Games People Play: Game Theory in Life, Business, and Beyond (24 lectures, 30 minutes/lecture) Ever since modern game theory—the scientific study of interactive, rational decision making—achieved prominence in the mid-20th century, it has proven instrumental in helping us understand how and why we make decisions. Game theory plays a crucial role in our lives and provides startling insights into all endeavors in which humans cooperate or compete, including biology, computer science, politics, agriculture, and, most importantly, economics.
"Families of Adults with Autism" is a collection of real-life stories of people on the autism spectrum growing up, as told by their parents and siblings.The individual accounts explore the challenges that families of people with autism have faced, and the techniques they have used to improve the quality of their children's lives, from mega-doses of vitamins and dietary changes to intensive interaction. The contributors also relate how they have worked with their children or siblings to help them to function at their highest possible level, be it showing an awareness of their environment, holding down a full-time job in a local store, competing in the Special Olympics, or achieving international recognition as an artist.
The cat is out of the bag! The "average" millionaire is not so different than the average anyone else. Thomas Stanley and William Danko told us so in The Millionaire Next Door (1996), and since then there have been a host of spin-offs and imitators telling us essentially the same thing. Most of the wealthy live simply, invest carefully, and buy sensibly. One significant distinction is that most millionaires are also successful in starting their own businesses and sticking with them. It seems that this is the case in Australia, too. Sher himself made his money by starting a publishing enterprise that specializes in putting out summaries of management books for businesspersons who do not have much time to read. Although American authors have focused on the simple lifestyles and investing habits of the well-to-do, Sher emphasizes their entrepreneurial skills. His guide is as much of a small-business manual as it is a how-to-get-rich one. Emphasizing the advantages of being one's own boss, Sher covers motivation, marketing, managing people, interpersonal skills, and business systems and procedures.
Edited by: stovokor - 27 December 2008
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Do you realise you, and all the people you know, play games? All the time? Sexual games, marital games, complex games that you're not even aware of as you go about your usual life? You might play games like 'Alcoholic' or 'The Frigid Woman' at weekends, or perhaps 'Ain't it awful' or 'Kick me' while you're at work. First published in the 1960s and recognized as a classic work of its kind by professionals, the bestselling "Games People Play" is also an accessible and fascinating read.
Bulimics on Bulimia is a collection of accounts by people who are living with the disorder, shedding new light on the day-to-day struggle of coping with bulimia. This book challenges the stereotypical image of the bulimic teenage girl, revealing that bulimia affects a far wider range of people, and dispelling the myth that bingeing involves only food and purging involves only vomiting. The powerful stories in this book provide new perspectives on the experience of bulimia, revealing the complex realities of the illness and the different ways in which different people view themselves and the disorder that has become a part of their lives.