Play from Birth to Twelve - Contexts, Perspectives, and Meanings
In light of recent standards-based and testing movements, the issue of play in childhood has taken on increased meaning for educational professionals and social scientists. This second edition of Play From Birth to Twelve offers comprehensive coverage of what we now know about play, its guiding principles, its dynamics and importance in early learning.
While cognitive linguistics has become established as a comprehensive research paradigm over the last three decades, it has so far hardly contributed to investigations into processes of lexical creation as traditionally captured in research on word formation. In light of this, the volume at hand is the first one to take a step ahead towards illuminating diverse aspects of word formation from cognitive perspectives. The book combines contributions to the 2nd International Cognitive Linguistics Conference of the German Cognitive Linguistics Association with a selection of invited papers by scholars working on issues of word formation and cognitive linguistics.
Written as a companion to 'Understanding Classical Sociology'. Covers the modern period of social theory, outlining the main changes in society and sociology following the classic period. Provides detailed accounts of four perspectives: functionalism, critical theory, structuralism, and symbolic interactionism.
Perspectives on Formulaic Language - Acquisition and Communication
This edited collection draws together diverse international work on formulaic language such as idioms, collocations, lexical bundles and phrasal verbs. Formulaic sequences are more or less fixed word combinations such as idioms, collocations, lexical bundles, phrasal verbs and so on. Study in this area has grown over the past fifteen years, despite the fact that there are no academic journals or conferences devoted to this topic.
Landscape in Language: Transdisciplinary perspectives
Landscape is fundamental to human experience. Yet until recently, the study of landscape has been fragmented among the disciplines. This volume focuses on how landscape is represented in language and thought, and what this reveals about the relationships of people to place and to land. Scientists of various disciplines such as anthropologists, geographers, information scientists, linguists, and philosophers address several questions