Art History: Contemporary Perspectives on Method examines the various patterns and approaches to the discipline of art history exhibited across the scholarship of all periods over the last 30 years, resulting in a cross section of art history in all its complexities and a timely survey of its historiography.
Discourse, Learning, and Schooling explores theoretical and methodological relationships between childrens' discourse--or socially used language--and their learning in educational settings. Authors in this volume address a range of issues, including literacy, authorship, the construction of self, and classroom interaction. The chapters range from research studies of classroom discourse to essays reflecting on discourse and literacies. Collectively these chapters reflect both sociocognitive perspectives on relations among discourse, learning, and schooling...
Mind, Brain, and Language: Multidisciplinary Perspectives
Much of the groundbreaking work in many fields is now occurring at the intersection of traditional academic disciplines. This development is well demonstrated in this important and unique volume, which offers a multidisciplinary view of current findings and cutting-edge issues involving the relationship between mind, brain, and language.
* Over 850 exam-style questions in USMLE vignette format * Comprehensive and detailed explanations of the correct and incorrect answer choices * Coverage of the most exam-relevant subjects to help students prepare efficiently * Test-taking and study strategies guides with expert perspectives on how to prepare for the exams * An additional online companion with a sample customizable Qbank of questions
Who’s the real sales expert: the salesperson or the consumer? Each has a different approach to effective sales and what will really move the consumer to take action. Each approaches buying and selling from a different angle - a different perspective - and without understanding both points of view, the picture is never fully complete.