Boris Teaches You English by Using Songs Improved (PDF, audio embedded) Song 20 The Bangles - Eternal Flame
Sometimes it is difficult to make an accurate translation because we do not understand certain expressions that are very informal, or some phrasal verbs, idioms, etc. With this work Boris tries to explain to you, in a more standard English, those expressions and phrasal verbs so that you can all get, much better, the main idea of songs. It is not only a song with its lyrics. It has grammar, phrasal verb, and idiom explanations; and some pronunciation.
Boris Teaches You English by Using Songs Improved (PDF, audio embedded) Song 19 Pink Floyd - Wish You Were Here
Sometimes it is difficult to make an accurate translation because we do not understand certain expressions that are very informal, or some phrasal verbs, idioms, etc. With this work Boris tries to explain to you, in a more standard English, those expressions and phrasal verbs so that you can all get, much better, the main idea of songs. It is not only a song with its lyrics. It has grammar, phrasal verb, and idiom explanations; and some pronunciation.
Boris Teaches You English by Using Songs Improved (PDF, audio embedded) Song 18 Def Leppard - Love Bites
Sometimes it is difficult to make an accurate translation because we do not understand certain expressions that are very informal, or some phrasal verbs, idioms, etc. With this work Boris tries to explain to you, in a more standard English, those expressions and phrasal verbs so that you can all get, much better, the main idea of songs. It is not only a song with its lyrics. It has grammar, phrasal verb, and idiom explanations; and some pronunciation.
Pakiet Idiomy i Phrasal Verbs opracowano specjalnie dla osób średnio zaawansowanych i zaawansowanych oraz wszystkich, którzy chcą poszerzyć swój zasób słownictwa angielskiego i doskonalić rozumienie ze słuchu. Kursy uczą 400 czasowników frazowych i 200 idiomów wymaganych zwłaszcza podczas matury oraz egzaminów FCE i CAE. Podręczniki zawierają pełne teksty wszystkich nagrań i dialogów, tłumaczenia, słowniczki, ćwiczenia oraz odpowiedzi do nich. Płyt można słuchać w dowolnym odtwarzaczu CD lub mp3 oraz na komputerze.
Boris Teaches You English by Using Songs Improved (PDF, audio embedded) Song 17 Guns n' Roses - Patience
Sometimes it is difficult to make an accurate translation because we do not understand certain expressions that are very informal, or some phrasal verbs, idioms, etc. With this work Boris tries to explain to you, in a more standard English, those expressions and phrasal verbs so that you can all get, much better, the main idea of songs. It is not only a song with its lyrics. It has grammar, phrasal verb, and idiom explanations; and some pronunciation.