The book discusses the war from 1861 to the end in 1865. It included the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. The text is written in plain English which makes it easy to understand and read through. It captivates the reader as it describes the battles and engagement of the war. The Illustrations are beautiful and informative. You can see troop positions though there aren't any actual regimental information. You have an unobstructed view of the battle which place troops in general areas. The pictures seem to give an insight on the the key players and events and does not hold back on what the war was really like.
Start building a rock-solid portfolio with as little as $500! Do you think cash vehicle is another phrase for "expensive car"? Would you know a hybrid investment if you saw one? Does T-bill mean anything to you? The world of investing is a complex (and sometimes scary) place. Fortunately, you have a knowledgeable tour guide that speaks a language you understand!
Since Robert Hughes' The Fatal Shore, the fate of British convicts has burned brightly in the popular imagination. Incredibly, their larger story is even more dramatic--the saga of forgotten men and women scattered to the farthest corners of the British empire, driven by the winds of the American Revolution and the currents of the African slave trade. In A Merciless Place, Emma Christopher brilliantly captures this previously unknown story of poverty, punishment, and transportation.
Changing their Skies: Stories from Africa (Bookworms Stage 2 )
Added by: iloveenglishtips | Karma: 3584.11 | Black Hole | 4 July 2015
Changing their Skies: Stories from Africa (Bookworms Library Stage 2 )
'Then a letter came for Aloo from a famous college in America. They offered him a place . . . a place with a scholarship. Aloo could not believe it at first. He read the letter again and again.' Aloo is very happy, but soon he finds that it is not so easy. He will need money to live on, money for his plane ticket . . . And then there is Mother . . . The stories in this volume of World Stories come from Malawi, South Africa, and Tanzania by African writers Steve Chimombo, Farida Karodia, and M. G. Vassanji.
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Curiosities of London contains an informative and entertaining selection of walks around well-known and some less-visited parts of London, revealing oddities, bizarre connections and strange stories from the past which echo through the city streets. Brandon and Brooke reveal the urban myths that abound, the origins of wonderful place names such as Bear Gardens and Gin Lane, and shocking Mafia-linked murders, in addition to other tantalising tales.