Often called the "Venice of the North," St. Petersburg has remained the crown jewel of the Russian artistic scene. Writers covered include Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Gogol, and Aleksandr Pushkin.
Rome, the eternal city, boasts a long and rich literary history with strong connections to the English Romantic poets Keats and Shelley, as well as Stendhal, Goether and Henry James.
Home to the 1920 American expatriate group of Hemingway, Stein, Eliot, Dos Pasos, and others, Paris has long been associated with intellectualism and sidewalk cafe culture. Taking you on a literary tour of the city, examining it as a setting in various works of literature, and as it has served as an influence for various authors.
The city that never sleeps has played host to numerous modern classics. Arguably the heart of the American book business, New York has always been a hot spot for writers and literati. This book takes you on a tour of the city, examining it as it has appeared as a setting in various works of literature.
Shakespeare, Marlowe, and Dickens are just a few of the London authors that have come to represent the essences of English literature. Taking you on a tour of the city with strong literary roots, the book examines it as it has appeared as a setting in various works of literature.