Each volume of Poetry for Students provides analysis of approximately 20 poems that teachers and librarians have identified as the most frequently studied in literature courses. Some of the poems covered in this volume include:
Each volume of Poetry for Students provides analysis of approximately 20 poems that teachers and librarians have identified as the most frequently studied in literature courses. Some of the poems covered in this volume include:
"Bidwell Ghost" by Louis Erdrich "Last Request (Exactly What Happened)" by Joel Brouwer "In the Suburbs" by Louis Simpson "Courage" by Anne Sexton "She Walks in Beauty" by Lord Byron And more
Each volume of Poetry for Students provides analysis of approximately 20 poems that teachers and librarians have identified as the most frequently studied in literature courses. Some of the poems covered in this volume include:
"Birches" by Robert Frost "Blood Oranges" by Lisel Mueller "For the White Poets Who Would be Indians" by Wendy Rose "I Felt a Funeral in My Brain" by Emily Dickinson "Leda and the Swan" by William Butler Yeats And more
Each volume of Poetry for Students provides analysis of approximately 20 poems that teachers and librarians have identified as the most frequently studied in literature courses. Some of the poems covered in this volume include:
"The Base Stealer" by Robert Francis "Filling Station" by Elizabeth Bishop "Having a Coke with You" by Frank O'Hara "The Lamb" by William Blake "The Rape of the Lock" by Alexander Pope And more
Each volume of Poetry for Students provides analysis of approximately 20 poems that teachers and librarians have identified as the most frequently studied in literature courses. Some of the poems covered in this volume include:
"Black Zodiac" by Charles Wright "Dear Reader" by James Tate "Drifters" by Bruce Dawe "The Hiding Place" by Jorie Graham "Landscape with Tractor" by Henry Taylor And more