Business Climate in Poland jest książką przeznaczoną dla menedżerów, studentów kierunków ekonomicznych oraz wszystkich osób pragnących poszerzyć swoje słownictwo z zakresu Business English. W zamyśle autorów Business Climate in Poland przewidziany jest jako zbiór niezależnych tekstów omawiających różne dziedziny polskiego życia gospodarczego, bankowość, ubezpieczenia, system podatkowy itd. ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem możliwości, jakie polska gospodarka stwarza zagranicznym inwestorom.
The image of Poland has once again been impressed on European consciousness. Norman Davies provides a key to understanding the modern Polish crisis in this lucid and authoritative description of the nation's history. Beginning with the period since 1945, he travels back in time to highlight the long-term themes and traditions which have influenced present attitudes.
The Archeology of Early Medieval Poland - Discoveries, Hypotheses, Interpretations
This is the first academic book which concentrates on the discoveries of medieval date (6th- 13th centuries) from the territory of modern Poland. The book covers the principal research questions, such as the origins of the Slavs, societies of the proto-state period and the origins of the Polish state. The volume also includes a discussion of the most interesting, sometimes controversial, archaeological discoveries or issues. These include pagan Slavonic holy places, the monumental mounds of Little Poland, the first traces of medieval writing, exceptional strongholds, the origins of Polish towns, rural landscapes, archaeology of the oldest monastic complexes...
Love, Marriage and Family Ties in the Late Middle Ages
This volume addresses the current fashion for research on the family and domesticity in the past. It draws together work from various disciplines - historical, art-historical and literary - with their very different source materials and from a broad geographical area, including some countries - such as Croatia and Poland - which are not usually considered in standard text books on the medieval family.
Added by: Kahena | Karma: 11526.37 | Fiction literature | 12 November 2010
Like the heroic land that is its subject, James Michener's POLAND teems with vivid events and unforgetable characters. In the sweeping span of eight tumultuous centuries, three Polish families live out their destinies and the drama of a nation--in the grand tradition of a great James Michener saga. "POLAND is a monumental effort, a magnificent guide to a better understanding of the country's tribulations."