Caching the Carbon: The Politics and Policy of Carbon Capture and Storage
Over the past decade, carbon capture and storage (CCS) has come to the fore as a way to manage carbon dioxide emissions contributing to climate change. This book examines its introduction into the political scene, different interpretations of its significance as an emerging technology and the policy challenges facing government and international institutions with respect to its development, deployment and regulation.
The Happy Stripper: Pleasures and Politics of the New Burlesque
If the burlesque stripper, with her bawdy spirit and unruly insubordination, has emerged for many as a new ‘empowering’ model for the sexually aware woman, then she also strikes horror in the heard of second wave feminism. Embodied by high profile artists such as Dita von Teese and Catherine d’Lish,
The Economist is a global weekly magazine written for those who share an uncommon interest in being well and broadly informed. Each issue explores the close links between domestic and international issues, business, politics, finance, current affairs, science, technology and the arts.
FOREIGN POLICY is the premier, award-winning magazine of global politics, economics, and ideas. Our mission is to explain how the world works - in particular, how the process of global integration is reshaping nations, institutions, cultures, and, more fundamentally, our daily lives.
The Economist is a global weekly magazine written for those who share an uncommon interest in being well and broadly informed. Each issue explores the close links between domestic and international issues, business, politics, finance, current affairs, science, technology and the arts.