Outside - America's leading active-lifestyle and adventure-travel magazine dedicated to covering the people, activities, gear, art, and politics of the world outside.
WOMEN IN PEACE POLITICS This book’s premise is that women are important actors in peace politics. Before addressing the question of why focus on women in peace politics, one perhaps has to make an attempt to define what is peace. Peace has long been a problem and a puzzle, not the least because more histories are written of war than of peace. Peace is neither sensational nor heroic enough to command its own genre of history.
A GLOSSARY OF POLITICAL THEORY This work assumes that politics cannot be studied without theory. All our statements about parties, movements, states and relationships between them presuppose theoretical views, so that political theory is an integral part of the study of politics. This series introduces key terms within the core subject areas of politics.
This book explores boy-focused education policy and how different educators struggle to implement or resist it in their schools. Weaver-Hightower examines masculinity politics in Australia and the United States, mapping how these politics create panic over raising and educating boys the “Right” way. Contextualizing this policy with movements for boys’ education around the world, this book offers progressive strategies for resisting conservative, regressive, anti-feminist programs for boys.