What Should I Read Next?: 70 University of Virginia Professors Recommend Readings in History, Politics, Literature, Math, Science, Technology, the Art
Even the most well-read among us feel gaps in our knowledge. Former English majors or art students want to understand the monetary system; mathematicians or doctors just want a great novel.
Introducing Iran -- The natural environment -- Early history -- Steps toward modern Iran -- People and culture -- Government and politics in Iran -- Economic patterns -- Life in Iran today -- Iran looks ahead.
This book fills the gap, providing a clear, comprehensive introduction to the Caucasus, which is suitable for all readers. It covers the geography; the historical development of the region; economics; politics and government; population; religion and society; culture and traditions; alongside its conflicts and international relations.
The U.S. is cartwheeling into a self-destructive catastrophic calamity, and despite what everyone else says about how to solve it, Paul believes he knows the real truth that can save us. The one-time presidential hopeful's goal, to drastically reduce government and thus give us the true sense of freedom that the Constitution's framers meant, is oversimplified in a country of more than 300 million residents.
FOREIGN POLICY is the premier, award-winning magazine of global politics, economics, and ideas. Our mission is to explain how the world works - in particular, how the process of global integration is reshaping nations, institutions, cultures, and, more fundamentally, our daily lives.