Englishness: Twentieth Century Popular Culture and the Forming of English Identity
Performing Englishness examines the conflicts, dilemmas and contradictions that marked Englishness as the nation changed from an imperial power to a postcolonial state. The chapters deal with travel writing, popular song, music hall and variety theatre, dances, elocution lessons, cricket and football, and national festivals, as well as literature and film. 'High' and 'popular' cultures are brought together in dialogue, and the diversity as well as the problematic nature of English identity is emphasised.
Few philosophers have had a more profound influence on the course of modern philosophy than Bertrand Russell. He was one of the most formidable thinkers of the modern era. A philosopher, mathematician, educational innovator, champion of intellectual, social and sexual freedom, and a campaigner for peace and human rights, he was also a prolific writer of popular and influential books, essays and lectures on an extensive range of subjects.
Don't Get Burned on EBayLots of books tell you how to buy and sell on eBay. But what if something goes horribly awry? Do you have to chalk it up to a "lesson learned," lick your wounds and move on? Not a chance. Don't Get Burned on eBay offers relevant lessons based on real-life stories posted on eBay's Answer Center. With sharp, witty rhetoric, veteran eBay user Shauna Wright (co-founder of the popular web site WhoWouldBuyThat.com), shows eBay veterans and newcomers alike how to avoid those nasty scenarios, and how to pull themselves out of the muck if they've already fallen in.
Hot English 080 The Fun & Easy Way To Learn Or Teach English Are you learning English? Or are you an English teacher? Either way... if you're looking for a fun and interesting English magazine for learning or teaching English then you've come to the right place. Hot English magazine is a leading English resource. It's fun and colourful approach to teaching real English as it's spoken by native speakers is popular around the world. Loved by both students and teachers, there's something for everyone and all levels in Hot English magazine.
Are you learning English? Or are you an English teacher? Either way... if you're looking for a fun and interesting English magazine for learning or teaching English then you've come to the right place. Hot English magazine is a leading English resource. It's fun and colourful approach to teaching real English as it's spoken by native speakers is popular around the world. Loved by both students and teachers, there's something for everyone and all levels in Hot English magazine.