A well-known book about learning English Words for nearly 20 years. The purpose of Advanced Word Power is to provide a solid, workable answer to the vocabulary problem. In the course of 30 chapters, Advanced Word Power teaches 300 important words, all of which are part of a solid college vocabulary and all of which occur with high frequency on standardized college-admission tests. Once students complete these exercises, their knowledge of each word in the chapter will have been carefully reinforced. And this reinforcement will be even more effective for having occurred in an electronic medium that especially engages today's students.
Added by: vht91 | Karma: 2168.02 | Black Hole | 7 September 2018
Advanced Word Power
A well-known book about learning English Words for nearly 20 years. The purpose of Advanced Word Power is to provide a solid, workable answer to the vocabulary problem. In the course of 30 chapters, Advanced Word Power teaches 300 important words, all of which are part of a solid college vocabulary and all of which occur with high frequency on standardized college-admission tests. Once students complete these exercises, their knowledge of each word in the chapter will have been carefully reinforced. And this reinforcement will be even more effective for having occurred in an electronic medium that especially engages today's students.
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Secret: The PowerNow Rhonda Byrne reveals the greatest power in the universe -- The Power to have anything you want. In this book you will come to understand that all it takes is just one thing to change your relationships, money, health, happiness, career, and your entire life. Every discovery, invention, and human creation comes from The Power. Perfect health, incredible relationships, a career you love, a life filled with happiness, and the money you need to be, do, and have everything you want, all come from The Power.
SAT Power Vocab: A Complete Guide to Vocabulary Skills and Strategies for the SAT
Added by: decabristka | Karma: 68075.20 | Exam Materials » SAT | 31 August 2017
THE PRINCETON REVIEW GETS RESULTS! Tackle the test with confidence with a complete guide to vocabulary skills and strategies for the SAT. Prepping for the SAT may no longer mean memorizing long word lists, but a strong vocabulary is still essential to scoring well on the exam! SAT Power Vocab give you practical advice for understanding and remembering key vocabulary terms for both the Evidence-Based Reading & Writing and Math sections.
Context Counts assembles, for the first time, the work of pre-eminent linguist Robin Tolmach Lakoff. A career that spans some forty years, Lakoff remains one of the most influential linguists of the 20th-century. The early papers show the genesis of Lakoff's inquiry into the relationship of language and social power, ideas later codified in the groundbreaking Language and Woman's Place and Talking Power. The late papers reflect her continued exposition of power dynamics beyond gender that are established and represented in language.