Grassroots with Readings: The Writer's Workbook, 10 edition
Using her unique M-A-P approach (Model-Analysis-Practice), Susan Fawcett's books have guided hundreds of thousands of students through the writing process, from foundations of grammar, mechanics, and spelling, through writing clear sentences and well-organized paragraphs. Her inductive approach; plentiful, high-interest student models and practices; and contemporary readings engage and motivate students.
This text recognizes that there is no simple way to develop literacy. It begins with the central premise that literacy is not simply a cognitive process, but a set of social practices used in socio-cultural contexts, and argues that literacy learners come to school with unique social histories that need to be recognised in the programmes devised to facilitate learning. Cairney claims that literacy is not a unitary social practice and suggests that there are many forms of literacy, each with specific purposes and contexts in which they are used. The author provides a look at the many practical classroom strategies and practices that are necessary to recognize multiple pathways to literacy
Language Ideologies and Media Discourse - Texts, Practices, Politics
The book is tightly focussed on the relationship between language ideologies and media discourse, together with the methods and techniques required for the analysis of that relationship. It also places emphasis on television and new-media texts, incorporating and expanding upon recent theoretical insights into visual communication and multimodal discourse analysis.
Based on Jim Kouzes and Barry Posner's classic book The Leadership Challenge, this Workbook will be your hands-on guide for improving your ability to put into action the Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® model and become a leader who Models the Way, Inspires a Shared Vision, Challenges the Process, Enables Others to Act, and Encourages the Heart. The Workbook's easy-to-use worksheets make efficient planning simple and practical and supports your success in three ways: Reflection: Think about your approach to leadership and become more conscious about how well you engage in each of the Practices.
The book takes as its starting point the everyday practices of people at all levels in organisations as they manage their work. It encourages the reader to use and judge organisation and management theories by their relevance to real life' practices and dilemmas, ranging the day-to-day to major strategic change. The book also offers insights into aspects of organisational life that are often marginalised, such as the politics and ethics of managerial action; the ambiguous, uncertain and contested nature of organisational processes; and the significance of angst, emotion, humour and mischief in the everyday life of organisations