This volume focuses on the integration of environmental education into science teacher education. The book begins by providing readers with foundational knowledge of environmental education as it applies to the discipline of science education. Later chapters examine the pedagogical practices of environmental education in the context of science teacher education. Case studies of environmental education teaching and learning strategies in science teacher education, and instructional practices in K-12 science classrooms, are included.
In this indispensable work, prominent authorities review the latest research on all aspects of ELL instruction (K-12) and identify what works for real students and schools. Provided are best-practice guidelines for targeting reading, writing, oral language, vocabulary, content-domain literacies, and other core skill areas; assessing culturally and linguistically diverse students; and building strong school-home-community partnerships. Chapters include clear-cut recommendations for teaching adolescent ELLs and those with learning disabilities.
Practical Handbook of School Psychology: Effective Practices for the 21st Century
Bringing together leading authorities, this state-of-the-science handbook delves into all aspects of problem-solving-based school psychology practice. Thirty-four focused chapters present data-based methods for assessment, analysis, intervention, and evaluation, with special attention given to working in a response-to-intervention framework. Tools and guidelines are provided for promoting success in key academic domains: reading, writing, and math. Social-emotional and behavioral skills are thoroughly addressed in chapters ..
In this 2007 work, Goldberg argues that Wordsworth, Southey and Coleridge - the ‘Lake school’ - aligned themselves with emerging constructions of the ‘professional gentleman’ that challenged the vocational practices of late eighteenth-century British culture.
This collection makes available for the first time a rich archive of materials that illuminate the history of racial thought and practices in sixteenth and seventeenth century England. A comprehensive introduction shows how these writings on religion, skin color, sexual and marital practices, geography, and the human body are crucial for understanding the pre-Enlightenment lineages of racial categories. A terrific supplement to research and teaching on race. Assembling a range of difficult to find materials from early modern English writing and changes the conversation about early modern ideas of race.