A completely new Pre-intermediate level of the world's most trusted English course, with brand new digital resources bringing you a completely up-to-date blended Headway course.
iChecker – interactive self-study discs that come with the Workbook. It includes Unit tests for students to assess their progress and focus their home study on key areas for improvement and MP3 workbook audio.
Added by: The Stincker | Karma: 18.51 | Coursebooks, Audio | 26 July 2012
Enterprise Plus SB
Enterprise series is designed for learners of English at secondary level.
Enterprise 3, Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate consists of four modules and are designed for learners of English at secondary level. The coursebooks are designed to provide systematic preparation in all the skills required for successful communication, both in written and spoken form. The material is clearly structured and easy to use.
Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate is an alternative version of Enterprise 3 and is intended for use at the same level. It has the same core syllabus as Enterprise 3, but offers additional supplementary material:
Audio divided into smaller tracks added Thanks to Unmistakable
Added by: The Stincker | Karma: 18.51 | Coursebooks, Grammar | 16 July 2012
Enterprise Plus GB
Enterprise series is designed for learners of English at secondary level.
Enterprise 3, Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate and Enterprise 4 each consist of four modules and are designed for learners of English at secondary level. The coursebooks are designed to provide systematic preparation in all the skills required for successful communication, both in written and spoken form. The material is clearly structured and easy to use.
Enterprise Plus Pre-Intermediate is an alternative version of Enterprise 3 and is intended for use at the same level. It has the same core syllabus as Enterprise 3, but offers additional supplementary material: