The Algebra Teacher's Activity-a-Day, Grades 6-12: Over 180 Quick Challenges for Developing Math and Problem-Solving Skills
Fun-filled math problems that put the emphasis on problem-solving strategies and reasoning
The Algebra Teacher's Activity-a-Day offers activities for test prep, warm-ups, down time, homework, or just for fun. These unique activities are correlated with national math education standards and emphasize problem-solving strategies and logical reasoning skills. In many of the activities, students are encouraged to communicate their different approaches to other students in the class.
I SPY MysteryDiscover a new way to play I SPY with 13 fascinating mysteries that need your super-sleuth skills! Choose a case file, then earn mystery clues by solving I SPY riddles and searching for carefully concealed objects. Use your problem solving skills to gather clues and solve the cases of Locked Gate, Pirate's Map, Midnight Mouse, and many more clever mysteries! Enjoy Endless Fun and Develop These Important Skills Problem Solving Reading Rhyming Logic & Reasoning Following Directions Visual Memory & Discrimination
While most children learn to read fairly well, there remain many young Americans whose futures are imperiled because they do not read well enough to meet the demands of our competitive, technology-driven society. This book explores the problem within the context of social, historical, cultural, and biological factors.
This CD, thinking, math and science skills in an exciting adventure game that kids love to play. You are the Super Seeker. Your goal is to find clues that will lead you to the treasure. The problem is the pesky elves have the clues. First you have to catch them and then answer questions to earn the clues. Once you have all three clues you can search for the treasure.
Back Pain: a movement problem is a practical manual to assist all students and clinicians concerned with the evaluation, diagnosis and management of the movement related problems seen in those with spinal pain disorders. It offers an integrative model of posturo-movement dysfunction which describes the more commonly observed features and related key patterns of altered control. This serves as a framework, guiding the practitioner's assessment of the individual patient.