This is an excellent adjunct to American and world history units and classes on economics and labor movements. The primary documents meet the needs of student researchers. Recommended for school and public libraries.
This challenging book reflects the intense discussion taking place on how public relations should develop and support management strategy. It links models and theories of strategic management to the PR function. The new edition includes more material on corporate reputation, research methods, public affairs, and information management. Aimed at both practitioners and students, this book will help readers relate the day-to-day work to overall corporate policies and planning.
The Media and the Public explores the ways a range of media, from the press to television to the Internet, have constructed and represented the public.
Join the countless professionals who have benefited from the best "how to" storytelling guide available today. Storytelling: Art and Technique is a proven handbook and selection tool that shows you how to select, prepare, and tell stories to and for children aged 3 to 13. Ideal for both beginning and experienced storytellers working in public or school library settings, this useful volume reveals the storyteller's art--from planning through performance.
Public relations was among the first industries to harness the power of the Internet. But along with business and the rest of the world, PR has changed in the digital age. "The AMA Handbook of Public Relations" is written to help PR professionals merge their traditional and Web-based campaigns into a powerful multi-faceted public image machine while protecting their clients and themselves from negative attention and cyber-sabotage.