Using a combination of fantasy and factual content, Tracks addresses the stage pupils go through as they learn a new language. These original tales are full of adventures that will keep young learners motivated through each and every class. Lessons include cross-curricular content, personalisation activities and project work, giving pupils the chance to share their own experiences in the classroom as well as countless oppurtunities for recycling and assessment.
This book contains everything an English teacher could need to engage and captivate their pupils in contemporary poetry and prose. The step-by-step lesson plans are easy to adapt to suit individual teachers' needs, and include suggestions for utilising ICT and homework ideas. The reflective style of the photocopiable worksheets encourages pupils to draw on their own experiences when analysing the issues raised.
This is the first book devoted to the P scales; there has been no published research on the P scales. There is no documentation of the benefits that schools have derived from using the P scales, and no account has been given of how easy or otherwise teachers have found it to use the P scales in the assessment of their pupils. The book introduces the P scales and their application to teachers, describes the various subject areas of the scales and how to apply them in the assessment of pupils attainment levels.
Amy, a little robin, is alone and has to fend for herself. She decides to build a nest, but she doesn’t know how! Amy sets out to find out– with strange results. Her home is an amazing collection of objects, full of interest and surprises.
This book by Gordon Snell is aimed at younger pupils. This document for the teacher contains suggestions on how to use the book as a cross-curricular resource in the First Class classroom.