Start Reading is a series of six comprehension books for young children. Each book consists of reading passeges followed by a variety of exercises, including comprehension checking and vocabulary work.
The material is carefully graded - providing an ideal accompaniment to a junior beginner's course.
The reading passages are fully illustrated and cover a range of topics which will appeal to children.
Each book contains a Ppicture Dictionary explaining words used in the passages.
Fix Reading Problems - FAST
Say good riddance to poor reading
skills! Quickly improve your reading speed, fluency, vocabulary,
comprehension and reading stamina.
Unleash Your Reading Genius
* Improve your reading skills. Use RocketReader
*Assess your reading speed, comprehension and vocabulary
Master Reading Proficiency
you are seeking that "competitive edge" that will enable you to advance
in your studies or career, RocketReader award winning software is for
you. Fast and accurate reading is a powerful SUCCESS factor. Valuable
because you can achieve better grades and promotions when you read,
comprehend and apply more than others.
RocketReader is the
pioneer in reading proficiency software and is the only product to use
artificial intelligence based reading strategies to train you to read
faster with better reading comprehension. Easy to use, powerful and
Discover RocketReader Speed Reading Version 8
is the only software that allows you to practice all the powerful speed
training techniques on live web sites, MS Word documents, text files,
RTF files and even PDF documents!
English for Me! Rainy Day Picnik
Grades Pre-K and K. Children love to listen to storybooks. Children see and hear the English they've learned come alive through storybook characters. Hearing and reading the storybooks will enhance the English they use in and outside of the classroom. Each of the nine storybooks has suggestions for before, during, and after reading the story as well as an activity specific to each book. The nine storybook themes correlate to the Balloons series, or can be used to supplement any program.
today's information-laden and time-constrained world we are required to
digest an increasing amount of written and printed material. Most
people, in their capacity as student, job seeker, employee or leisure
reader, want to be able to deal with their daily reading faster and
also recall it effectively. This book gives you the means to do just
that by: finding the techniques for improvement that work best for you;
providing methods for increasing retention and recall; promoting
flexibility - the key to reading efficiently; offering techniques for
developing skim-reading; and, highlighting problem areas and suggesting
ways of addressing them. The book contains exercises to facilitate your
development and assesses your results throughout, ensuring that you
come away reading faster and recalling more.
Reading Between the Lines: Improve Your Scores on English and Social Studies Tests
Most students in middle schools and high schools will have to answer
document-based questions (DBQ’s) in their many challenging tests
including SATs, ACTs, and state assessment exams. Even teachers of high
school advanced placement classes expect their students to write
effective document-based essays. Reading Between the Lines is designed
to help students of any age understand, practice, and write effective
DBQs so that they can improve their scores on standardized tests and
become a more successful student. This workbook helps students practice
brainstorming, drafting, revising, and editing with proven methods. It
also includes a glossary of essay terms and sample essays.