Until recently, very little was known about medieval shoes. Glimpses in manuscript illustrations and on funerary monuments, with the occasional reference by a contemporary writer, was all that the costume historian had as evidence, not least because leather tends to perish after prolonged contact with air, and very few actual examples survived. In recent years, however, nearly 2,000 shoes, many complete and in near-perfect condition, have been discovered preserved on the north bank of the Thames, and are now housed in the Museum of London.
Imagining the Anglo-Saxon Past - The Search for Anglo-Saxon Paganism and Anglo-Saxon Trial
Published together here are two studies, one already a classic and the other based on recent scholarship, by a scholar who has done so much to rectify myths of the Anglo-Saxon religious and literary past. A reprint of his 1975 text on the nature of Anglo-Saxon paganism and later `stock views' of it is neatly juxtaposed with Eric Stanley's recent study on the origins of trial by jury.
"A Companion to Nineteenth-Century Britain" presents 33 essays by expert scholars on all the major aspects of the political, social, economic, and cultural history of Britain during the late Georgian and Victorian eras. It makes sense of the fascinating new perspectives on this era that have been generated in recent years while not losing sight of broader, more enduring themes.
The occupation of Britain for 400 years by the Roman Empire is still the subject of much interest and continually emerging material.Roman Britainby David Shotter offers a concise introduction to this period, drawing on the wealth of recent scholarship to explain the progress of the Romans and their objectives in conquering Britain.
Radiation Physics With Applications in Medicine and Biology
An introduction to nuclear physics which includes chapters on present and past applications of nuclear medicine, nuclear imagery, compartment theory, neutrons and other heavy particles, X-rays and Y-rays. Recent information on the principles of radiation protection is also addressed.